>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Sep 23 00:36:13 1999
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Subject: Re: StarOffice 5.1 - infinite setup ?
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sergey Babkin)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 17:36:10 -0700 (PDT)
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This happened to me too, until I did NOT edit libosl517li.so in
Office51/lib as per various people's instructions; so use the


> Hi,
> I have got a surprising problem with StarOffice 5.1
> for Linux on FreeBSD 4.0-current, the latest snapshot. 
> The CD-ROM installation went fine (after I configured the
> Posix real-time thread support and linked the
> additional libraries to the Linux compatibility
> directory and slightly corrected the startup scripts) 
> but when I start the installed program "soffice"
> it just starts the setup screen again! Tried to
> go through it, select no additional components,
> the setup says that everything is installed and exits.
> I was not able to get anything else from it.
> Has anyone met this problem before ? Any ideas
> would be welcome. Thank you!
> -SB
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