>A few days ago I was at Office Max and bought an InterAct "Web.Remote
>professional".  For those of you who don't know, its an infrared
>remote control which contains a trackball, two trackball buttons, and
>an 18-key keypad.  It was a pretty good deal for $17US.
>My ultimate goal is to use it to control my mp3 playing FreeBSD server.
>As a result, I spent time this weekend figuring out the protocol it uses
>and modified moused to work with it.  It's a completely non-standard
>6-byte-per-packet protocol, but was fairly easy to integrate into the 
>existing moused daemon.
>If anyone would like the diffs to the daemon, please let me know and
>I'd be happy to send them out.
>The current moused supports up to 31 buttons on a device.  However, the
>level 1 sysmouse protocol only supports 10.  As a result, I'm still
>to decide how to handle the keypad on the remote.
>I'm probably going to follow the x10netremote example, but would
>appreciate any suggestions that people have.

Probably moused is getting too bloat nowadays.

I rather think we had better start thinking about creating a new
daemon for remote control devices, including X10Remote and this
Web.Remote.  I expect this would be more logical, as these remotes may
use proprietary packet formats, which may not comfortably fit into the
way moused processes mouse data stream.

We can use MOUSE_XXX ioctl commands to feed mouse/trackball part of
data from the remotes to the console driver (and subsequently make it
available via /dev/sysmouse).  Key data can be made available to
application programs (and the X server and client programs, perhaps)
via FIFO, like x10remote does, or in any other means.

I don't think overloading additional data from the remote control onto
mouse data so that it would go through MOUSE_XXX ioctl commands and
/dev/sysmouse (thus we don't need the second data channel) is too
much; sooner or later we shall encounter a new remote control device about 
which we can no longer pretend it is a mouse-like device this way.

Ok, the application program will read data of the remote control
device from two separate channels: mouse/trackball data via
/dev/sysmouse and key data, and other additional info from something
else.  Will that be a problem?  No, I wouldn't think so.  The
mouse/trackball part of the remote should act like the ordinary
pointing device :-)

If the mouse/trackball part performs more than the
pointing-device-like function, such data should go through the second
channel together with key data and else, as it will probably need to
be parsed/interpreted together with the data from other parts of the

The `remote' daemon would be able to share code with or copy some code
from the existing moused if necessary.


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