
A few days ago I was at Office Max and bought an InterAct "Web.Remote
professional".  For those of you who don't know, its an infrared
remote control which contains a trackball, two trackball buttons, and
an 18-key keypad.  It was a pretty good deal for $17US.

My ultimate goal is to use it to control my mp3 playing FreeBSD server.

As a result, I spent time this weekend figuring out the protocol it uses
and modified moused to work with it.  It's a completely non-standard
6-byte-per-packet protocol, but was fairly easy to integrate into the 
existing moused daemon.

If anyone would like the diffs to the daemon, please let me know and
I'd be happy to send them out.

The current moused supports up to 31 buttons on a device.  However, the
level 1 sysmouse protocol only supports 10.  As a result, I'm still
to decide how to handle the keypad on the remote.

I'm probably going to follow the x10netremote example, but would
appreciate any suggestions that people have.


Douglas R. Pokorny           | The views expressed here are
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | my own and do not reflect
Intel IDS0 - Core Services   | those of Intel Corporation.

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