On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 01:45:39PM +0400, Stas Kisel wrote:
> > From: Darren Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > The problem with this is the BSD TCP/IP implementation ACK's (or at least
> > attempts to ACK) data as soon as it is received and it is a big no-no to
> > discard queued data that has already been ACK'd.
> Probably it is not self-evident why we HAVE to drop this connection.
> It is evil connection. Good applications do read data from their sockets,
> and evil ones do not. And ever if it is good, but silly or busy
> application, good clients do not send so much data that application
> can not process it. Am I wrong, there are any examples?
(I have a program that is built to process this all, and
works well on the non *bsd unicies, and has had a few problems on
the *bsd based ones.. read on...)
I posted a message on bugtraq related to this, and archive
related mail to -current links are here:
Now the problems that I have are partially design issues
in my program, and partially not.
I am creating about 100 icmp sockets, and as they are
created, allocate a very large SO_RCVBUF:
(void)setsockopt(localstruct->icmp_s, SOL_SOCKET,
SO_RCVBUF, (char *)&hold, sizeof(hold));
Where hold = (60*300) ie: hold 300 packets. Because I can
be sending 100 icmp echo-requests out in a second, I can get at least
that many replies back, if not more if some come out of order or
delayed by more than 1 second. I also need to filter through all
the icmp traffic that is coming to the system. (You can see
my code, and comments are welcome to me directly, code
available from ftp://puck.nether.net/pub/jared/sysmon* [if possible,
my -current is in jared/beta/*, use that, but there have been little
changes to that code currently]).
I would get out of mbufs, increase maxusers. Either my code
is less agressive than originally, or something has changed in
some of the freebsd releases since then, even slightly to prevent this
from currently happening. I'm not sure which. NetBSD also suffers
from this problem, and is more evident than FreeBSD right now.
- Jared
Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine.
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