Darren Reed wrote:
> > It is evil connection. Good applications do read data from their sockets,
> > and evil ones do not. And ever if it is good, but silly or busy
> > application, good clients do not send so much data that application
> > can not process it. Am I wrong, there are any examples?
> So what if someone manages to crash a program due to a DOS attack ?
> An easy one that comes to mind is syslogd. It's often stuck in disk-wait
> and can easily be targetted with a large number of packets.
Isn't syslog UDP? - i.e. no ACK? - you could argue (to a point) that this
might even be by design? :) (with regard to if syslog is in diskwait, and over
burdened with traffic, data gets dropped). This, could be construed as a DoS
(in fact it probably is)...
If you look to real life, not many systems are DoS proof - Most real life
scenarios work by detection and subsequent action, e.g. if you start calling
the firemen out all over town (DoS'ing the fire service) - you will hopefully
be detected, and removed :)
You could try to prevent this, by having say limits on buffers per process, or
through something like Inetd (i.e. throttling). You could even take Inetd a
stage further and say "if excessive from same IP, stop responding to that IP
for 'x' time), but even then people who are determined will only (and easily
with the current Internet) start launching multi-homed attack's DoS's etc.
How long before servers only accept connections from hosts presenting a valid
'certificate'? - How long until the certificates themselves are forged?
At the end of the day, you have 1 box with limited resources - trying to
handle the situation. Even if it's well behaved (doesn't crash) - something
has to give, i.e. the service may shutdown for a while. The sad fact is, this
is exactly what a DoS is trying to achieve, and will achieve until some
intervening action is taken, you can only slow & detect it - you can't readily
stop it - there is no 'easy' fix for this... [You could argue, SysAdmin's are
a fix? No?]
Just my $0.02+1's worth
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