> On Mon, Sep 06, 1999 at 07:15:00PM -0400, Ugen Antsilevitch wrote:
> > Supporting winmodems
> > btw would be nice, although i doubt manufacturers will give us their code.
> That might not be necessary, eventually. I've heard, obliquely,
> of a project to develop "open source" modem (data pump) software
> that is obviously aimed at these things. It's not rocket science
> (well, not to DSP folks), and it is well and truly standardised.
> It would be a good final-year EE project in the right school.
> Also, since the theoretical limits of the POTS channel have pretty
> much been reached with V.34-bis or V.90, it's not even a moving
> target any more. No wonder they're cheap now.
> Does anyone know whether there's more to a "WinModem" than a
> line hybrid, a codec and a PCI interface?
It depends. Some of them put the DSP on the card, but expect you to do
the V.xx encoding in software; others want it all.
Note that the DSP part of the work is the easy bit; the rest of the
line protocols less so.
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