On Mon, 6 Sep 1999, Kevin Day wrote:
> > I think you're panicking prematurely, Ugen. You're also checking the
> > very bottom of the market, and you're exaggerating (in your comment
> > about shelling out lot's of cash for a conventional modem) the cost of
> > a regular modem. Things just aren't that desperate.
> >
> > It's possible the trend is in a direction I don't like, but I'll still
> > keep my external conventional modem. It's 33.6, not 56, which means
> > that my friends can dial into my system, which they can't do if it's a
> > 56K. That's very nice sometimes.
> >
> Well, he's partially true.
> We're looking at mass buying several thousand PCI modems. The cost for a
> non-winmodem model is about 3x the Winmodem style. (You can buy winmodems
> very cheap, since everyone is making them now. You can't buy non-winmodem's
> cheap because only a few are doing it, and they now charge a premium for
> this).
> Another issue is the upcoming death of ISA. Several of Intel's next chipsets
> don't support ISA at all, making this a somewhat timely problem.
You're looking at this (quite naturally) from the point of view of a PC
user. Not everyone is, you know, and the non-PC user market is large
enough to ensure regular modems don't go away.
> Kevin
Chuck Robey | Interests include any kind of voice or data
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | communications topic, C programming, Unix and
213 Lakeside Drive Apt T-1 | carpentry. It's all in the design!
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