In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Bill 
Fumerola writes:
: Copying the telnet line and changing the first word to 'http' does wonders
: for being to access machines from inside a school district's firewall.

What if the service has no name?

: Choosing ports by number would be nice, however the same objections Matt
: had with changing our API ring some buzzers in my head too, however the
: evil side of me says "screw whoever is porting inetd, we like functionality.
: The evil side normally wins.

I don't think we should change getportbyname.  If the getportbyname
fails, see if a strtol returns a number, and if so use that.  I don't
see what is so hard about doing that.

If someone wants to run a service on a port that it wasn't desinged
for, they can still do it today.  I don't see what the argument
against this change could possibly be.  There is no evil here.


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