
        Unless I am misunderstanding you, mfs does what you are


"David E. Cross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

> I am looking at a project that will require a user based process to interact
> with the system as if  it were a filesystem.  The traditional way I have seen
> this done is as the system NFS mounting itself (ala AMD).  I would really lik
> a more clean approach to this.  What I am interested in is a 'User Space
> File System' that would interact with a user process in a similiar manor
> to how nfsd's do.  A process would issue a mount (ok, this is different than
> NFSDs), then it would make a special system call with a structure, that
> call would return whenever a request was pending with the structure filled in
> with the appropriate information.  The user process would fulfill the request
> pack the return data into the structure and call kernel again.
> I have a number of questions on more specific ideas (like caching, inode/vnod
> interaction, etc).  But I am just feeling arround for what people think
> about this.  Any ideas/comments?
> --
> David Cross                               | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Systems Administrator/Research Programmer | Web: http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~cross
> Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,         | Ph: 518.276.2860
> Department of Computer Science            | Fax: 518.276.4033
> I speak only for myself.                  | WinNT:Linux::Linux:FreeBSD
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