On Saturday, 23 March 2013 12:19:55 Beeblebrox wrote:
> >> If you have time, I would like to diagnose the incorrect detection.
> Sure, glad to help.
> >> Do you perhaps have nvidia-driver port installed
> No Nvidia port, not even nvidia-texture-tools
> make.conf has WITHOUT_NOUVEAU=yes
> >> or a stale $PREFIX/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0/README?
> /usr/local/share/doc/wine and /usr/local/share/wine are dated Feb-16-13
> Present state of my video car and Xorg (using xorg-devel port overlay):
> http://freebsd.1045724.n5.nabble.com/quot-Radeon-HD-4200-quot-e17-and-gdm3-n
> ot-working-td5796823.html
> Host: 10-Current, amd64. Let me know if you need any other info.

Could you please run this command (as root), and sent me the output:
# sh -x /usr/local/share/wine/patch-nvidia.sh -n

This will not alter your system.  For reference, my system gives:
# sudo sh -x /usr/local/share/wine/patch-nvidia.sh -n
+ set -e
+ PORTSDIR=/usr/ports
+ PREFIX=/usr/local
+ DISTDIR=/usr/ports/distfiles
+ [ -d /usr/ports/distfiles ]
+ cd /usr/ports/distfiles
+ getopt -n -n
+ args=' -n --'
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ set -- -n --
+ true
+ NO_FETCH=yes
+ shift
+ true
+ shift
+ break
+ whoami
+ [ root = root ]
+ echo '===> Patching wine-fbsd64 to work with x11/nvidia-driver:'
===> Patching wine-fbsd64 to work with x11/nvidia-driver:
+ [ -z '' ]
+ version wine-fbsd64
+ local ret pkg=wine-fbsd64
+ [ -f /usr/local/sbin/pkg ]
+ pkg query -g %v wine-fbsd64
+ ret=''
+ [ -z '' ]
+ pkg_info -E 'wine-fbsd64*'
+ cut -f 3 -d -
+ ret=1.5.24,1
+ [ -z 1.5.24,1 ]
+ echo 1.5.24,1
+ WINE=1.5.24,1
+ [ -n 1.5.24,1 ]
+ echo '=> Detected wine-fbsd64: 1.5.24,1'
=> Detected wine-fbsd64: 1.5.24,1
+ version nvidia-driver
+ local ret pkg=nvidia-driver
+ [ -f /usr/local/sbin/pkg ]
+ pkg query -g %v nvidia-driver
+ ret=310.32
+ [ -z 310.32 ]
+ [ -z 310.32 ]
+ echo 310.32
+ NV=310.32
+ [ -n 310.32 ]
+ echo '=> Detected nvidia-driver: 310.32'
=> Detected nvidia-driver: 310.32
+ NVIDIA=310.32
+ echo 310.32
+ cut -f 1 -d _
+ cut -f 1 -d ,
+ NV=310.32
+ [ ! -f NVIDIA-FreeBSD-x86-310.32.tar.gz ]
+ [ -n yes ]
+ terminate 8 'NVIDIA-FreeBSD-x86-310.32.tar.gz unavailable'
+ echo '!!! NVIDIA-FreeBSD-x86-310.32.tar.gz unavailable !!!'
!!! NVIDIA-FreeBSD-x86-310.32.tar.gz unavailable !!!
+ echo Terminating...
+ exit 8


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