>>> One more thing to discuss: shall we maintain the sect1, sect2, ...
>>> elements
>>> or just use section? The section element can have another section element
>>> embedded and the numbering in the rendered version is inferred by the
>>> level
>>> of embedment. This is more uniform and less redundant. In own docs that I
>>> write with DocBook I only use section and it works fine. Opinions?
>> IMHO, is a good thing to keep a visual clue of the level you are going
>> down while writing.
> Yes, but that is what the indentation also does.

I agree. However, since humans identify characters much better than
they do with indentation, using sect1 and so is a help for those who
want to improve documentation.

Using only <section> may be confusing for some people and I don't see
the win with changing that.

>> So, <sect[123...]> should be kept, I think.
> But it is another thing the user has to track.

I'm not a very experienced docbook user but an occasional one, and I
can tell you this is not a big deal to track with.

It's just my opinion.


Alberto Mijares
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