Bugzilla Automation <bugzi...@freebsd.org> has asked freebsd-desktop (Team)
<desk...@freebsd.org> for maintainer-feedback:
Bug 278351: textproc/libxml2 no longer installs static library, and doesnt have
a build option

--- Description ---
Upgrades from 2024Q1 ports to 2024Q2 ports, and the upgraded libxml2 no longer
installs the static library, which I require, unfortunately. I assumed all I
had to do was go into the port and enable static, but the option seems to have
gone away as well.

Is there a reason for this (does static no longer work?) or is it simply an
oversight, and can be added back ? An option to compile it locally with static
would do, if theres a reason not to ship the static libraries as part of the

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