On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 11:51:53AM +0200, Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> Okay, so what are we supposed to do to ports that are now broken because
> -pthread doesn't exist (e.g. devel/pwlib)?

-pthread is back in current. It just had a little holiday. It's back,
refreshed, eager and willing to do the deed. 8-)

> Is there a simple rule we should follow when trying to fix ports, or do
> we have to think now?

Someone has to think and make a decision. Is simplicity (the -pthread switch)
reason enough to support one thread library by default?

> At the moment, I'm just patching configure files
> to use ${PTHREAD_LIBS} instead of -pthread, and pushing PTHREAD_LIBS
> into the ports' CONFIGURE_ENV.

I don't think that CONFIGURE_ENV should be modified in each port's makefile
to cope with PTHREAD_LIBS. It's supposed to be a ports-wide thing, so it
belongs in bsd.port.mk.

John Birrell
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