On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 01:27:11PM -0700, Eric Anholt wrote:

> On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 18:05, Vulpes Velox wrote:
> > I had similar problem with a 7200 and OGL. I solved the problem by
> > turning off some of the options in the X config.
> >
> > On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 12:21:56 -0500 (GMT) Sean Welch
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Is anyone else seeing this issue?  I'm running into it on desktop
> > > boxes and a laptop running 4.8-RELEASE with up to date ports
> > > collections and various versions of DRI installed over a ports
> > > version of X.  I'm also seeing this under 5.1-RELEASE on the
> > > laptop.
> > >
> > > Everything works perfectly unless/until I restart the X server.
> > > This appears to be initiated automatically when running GDM -- ie,
> > > GDM starts, you log in using that X session, you log out and the
> > > session stops, GDM starts X again and displays the login screen.
> > >
> > > This seems to happen a bit more than 1/3 of the times I try it
> > > (intentionally or not).  It isn't much of a problem on the laptop
> > > as I'm the only user and tend to turn the machine off when I log
> > > out but it is causing all sorts of issues on the desktops because
> > > they are intended to be used as multi-user (serially and also
> > > simultaneously) systems.
> > >
> > > Any ideas?  The instability goes away completely with DRI
> > > disabled, but part of the use of these desktops is in the
> > > accelerated OpenGL rendering...
> > >
> > >                                                   Sean
> (CC'ed to -current since it's not -stable specific)
> This is an example of why people need to send PRs and not just emails.
> I realize now I've seen emails on this before, but I had forgotten
> about them because they seemed isolated and I didn't have them piling
> up in my assigned prs list (things pile up in my mailboxes easily, and
> I don't go back and check very often).

Speaking for myself, I was not sure whether the problem was a BIOS
setting problem, a graphics card problem, a FreeBSD problem, an XFree86
problem, or a configuration problem on my part.  Until today, I thought
I was the only one with seeing this.  I discovered the "ForcePCIMode"
option as a potential workaround only two days ago and I wanted to
confirm that it did indeed make the problem go away before filing a PR
and sending an e-mail directly to you about the issue.  In fact, I was
planning on doing that this evening after a few more tests.

> I've tried to reproduce this with a radeon, by doing startx, C-A-B
> to kill the server, then startx again.  The second time, the screen
> displays for a brief moment then goes black.  The system isn't hung,
> and I can exit using C-A-B again.  Is this what everyone else sees?

Sometimes.  At times the Xserver will not start and I can switch to a
console and login.  Any further attempts to restart X will lock the
machine up.  Other times, the screen just goes black and the machine
is locked up.  I can not switch to a console nor ssh in via another
machine.  In that case, I have to hit the reset switch.  Still other
times, the gdm login screen will appear and look normal, except the
cursor is not blinking and the keyboard and mouse do not respond.  I did
not try to ssh into the machine in that state but I would guess that it
would fail.

> Everyone that's experiencing this and is using the DRI, what version
> of the radeon DRM is loaded? (dmesg | grep drm)

I will have to get the dmesg output for you when I get home but it is
the latest version in -current, with -current being up to date as of Aug
25, 2003, about 9:00 PM CDT.

> Is anyone experiencing this without the DRI loaded?

Not me; when I disable DRI the lock ups do not occur.

> The ForcePCIMode workaround is interesting, I'll take a look at what
> could be going on there.

I have had that option in my config file for about two days and have
tested by logging in and out repeatedly.  So far, I have not had a lock
up with that option enabled.

Glenn Johnson
USDA, ARS, SRRC                  Phone: (504) 286-4252
New Orleans, LA 70124           e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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