On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 18:05, Vulpes Velox wrote:
> I had similar problem with a 7200 and OGL. I solved the problem by turning off
> some of the options in the X config.
> On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 12:21:56 -0500 (GMT)
> Sean Welch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is anyone else seeing this issue?  I'm running into it
> > on desktop boxes and a laptop running 4.8-RELEASE with
> > up to date ports collections and various versions of
> > DRI installed over a ports version of X.  I'm also seeing
> > this under 5.1-RELEASE on the laptop.
> > 
> > Everything works perfectly unless/until I restart the X
> > server.  This appears to be initiated automatically when
> > running GDM -- ie, GDM starts, you log in using that X
> > session, you log out and the session stops, GDM starts X
> > again and displays the login screen.
> > 
> > This seems to happen a bit more than 1/3 of the times I
> > try it (intentionally or not).  It isn't much of a problem
> > on the laptop as I'm the only user and tend to turn the
> > machine off when I log out but it is causing all sorts of
> > issues on the desktops because they are intended to be
> > used as multi-user (serially and also simultaneously)
> > systems.
> > 
> > Any ideas?  The instability goes away completely with DRI
> > disabled, but part of the use of these desktops is in the
> > accelerated OpenGL rendering...
> > 
> >                                                   Sean

(CC'ed to -current since it's not -stable specific)

This is an example of why people need to send PRs and not just emails. 
I realize now I've seen emails on this before, but I had forgotten about
them because they seemed isolated and I didn't have them piling up in my
assigned prs list (things pile up in my mailboxes easily, and I don't go
back and check very often).

I've tried to reproduce this with a radeon, by doing startx, C-A-B to
kill the server, then startx again.  The second time, the screen
displays for a brief moment then goes black.  The system isn't hung, and
I can exit using C-A-B again.  Is this what everyone else sees?

Everyone that's experiencing this and is using the DRI, what version of
the radeon DRM is loaded?  (dmesg | grep drm)  Is anyone experiencing
this without the DRI loaded?  The ForcePCIMode workaround is
interesting, I'll take a look at what could be going on there.

Eric Anholt                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]          
http://people.freebsd.org/~anholt/         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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