On Sunday,  3 August 2003 at  0:31:45 -0400, John Baldwin wrote:
> On 03-Aug-2003 Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
>> On Saturday,  2 August 2003 at 16:47:13 +0200, Eivind Olsen wrote:
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/debug > gdb -k kernel.debug
>>> (kgdb) list *(g_dev_strategy+29)
>> This is almost certainly the wrong function.  At the very list you
>> should look at the arguments passed to it.
> Actually, this line can be very instructive.  Since 'bp' is valid
> it is probably the bp2 from g_clone_bio() that is NULL.  You might
> want to ask phk about that one.

I think you'll find that there's a null dev pointer in there.  As I
say, I've seen this scenario before (without GEOM), and I'd be
surprised if this were phk's problem.

>>> (kgdb) list *(launch_requests+448)
>>> No symbol "launch_requests" in current context.
>>> (kgdb) list *(vinumstart+2b2)
>>> No symbol "vinumstart" in current context.
>>> (kgdb)
>> Read the links I just sent you.  You haven't loaded the Vinum symbols.
> Bah, this isn't hard for you to do either:

... once you've loaded the symbols.  That's why I pointed to the

As I said to Terry, the real issue here is probably what was happening
at the time, not the contents of the dump.

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