On Saturday,  2 August 2003 at 17:54:03 -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
> Eivind Olsen wrote:
>> (kgdb) list *(launch_requests+448)
>> No symbol "launch_requests" in current context.
>> (kgdb) list *(vinumstart+2b2)
>> No symbol "vinumstart" in current context.
>> (kgdb)
>> If anyone wants to take a look at this themselves I've put the compressed
>> (gzip) debug-kernel available on
>> http://eivind.aminor.no/debug/kernel.debug.gz
>> NOTE! It's approx. 13MB compressed!
> If this is repeatable for you, it's recommended that you compile
> Vinum statically into your kernel, so that you can look at the
> other symbols in the traceback and obtain source lines for them,
> as well.

No.  It is explicitly discouraged.

> It may be that this will be debuggable without that information, but
> in my experience with similar problems, without a list of arguments
> to the functions from a live remote debug session and/or a
> crashdump, the problem is going to have to be found by an engineer
> eyeballing the call graph and seeing how that particular line could
> end up with a NULL in bp2 or bp.

Terry hasn't read the debug instructions.  You can load symbols from
klds.  See the links I pointed to.

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