> >> Unfortunately your driver isn't very committable -- unfortunately
> >> you took it upon himself to totally reformat our emu10k1.c file in
> >> addition to embellishing it.  So it is impossible to see what
> >> changes you really made to the driver.  I don't suppose you've got
> >> a patch with the minimal number of changes to support audigy and
> >> audigy2?
> > 
> > Old driver (emu10k1.c) was too big for me to work on it and was
> > difficult to add MIDI support. I know that my driver will never go
> > into the tree - sound@ decided to use Orlando Bassotto's work. His
> > driver is much closer to original emu10k1.c that mine.
> that is a pity, I'd really like to see Audigy support in the tree.

> People create patches all the time and maintain them 
> separately for some 
> time, but the eventual goal should be inclusion in the main tree. 
> Juggling a number of third-party patches when building a kernel is a 
> pain (even though I understand the Linux folks do this a lot.)
> You would make many of us happy if your patch could be made 
> committable.

My PCM-only driver is commitable. Diff to emu10k1.c in -current is small
and clear (at least to me). It's stable enought to be commited. But it
will not be commited because sound@ decided to use another driver that
is better than mine. 

PCM&MIDI driver is not commitable at this time.
I'm not going to make it commitable in near future because a lot of
things are broken or unstable.
But I can merge all files into emu10kx.c, emu10kx-pcm.c and
emu10kx-midi.c when I fix it (get MIDI to work, fix PCM recording) and
add all features I want (dynamic routing, DSP resource allocation,
better mixer). 


-----Original Message-----
From: Orion Hodson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2003 7:47 PM
To: Orlando Bassotto
Cc: Yuriy Tsibizov
Subject: Re: Audigy patch

/-- Orlando Bassotto wrote:
| On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 08:13:19PM -0800, Orion Hodson wrote:
| > We've also had another audigy module submitted to -sound.  It might
| > useful to counter check the other work - it's available under
| > http://chibis.persons.gfk.ru/audigy.  I have not looked at this at
| Ciao Orion,
| I give it a look, the patch is lacking of Audigy 2 initialization,
| but has better FX bus routing than mine, it does not include the
| mixer... if everyone agrees I can merge down all these patches.

I haven't heard back from Yuriy, but with timezones and the weekend that
not too surprising.  Merging the patches sounds like a great idea.  Go
and do it, and when you are happy with the result, I'll do the commit.

Kind Regards
- Orion

-----Original Message Ends-----

Yuriy Tsibiozv,

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