
Yuriy Tsibizov wrote:

Unfortunately your driver isn't very committable -- unfortunately you took it upon himself to totally reformat our emu10k1.c file in addition to embellishing it. So it is impossible to see what changes you really made to the driver. I don't suppose you've got a patch with the minimal number of changes to support audigy and audigy2?

Old driver (emu10k1.c) was too big for me to work on it and was difficult to add MIDI support. I know that my driver will never go into the tree - sound@ decided to use Orlando Bassotto's work. His driver is much closer to original emu10k1.c that mine.

that is a pity, I'd really like to see Audigy support in the tree.

People create patches all the time and maintain them separately for some time, but the eventual goal should be inclusion in the main tree. Juggling a number of third-party patches when building a kernel is a pain (even though I understand the Linux folks do this a lot.)

You would make many of us happy if your patch could be made committable.

Lars Eggert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           USC Information Sciences Institute

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