At 5:31 PM -0700 2003/06/06, Doug Barton wrote:

On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, Paul Robinson wrote:
 let me just ask for clarification on something. Are you stating as the
 BIND maintainer around these parts that FreeBSD will never have BIND 9?

No, that's not what I'm saying at all. Someone else already pointed out that I said "at this time" above. I plan to look at this issue again for 6-current, but right now, it's not a suitable choice, in my opinion.

This is a rather different statement than you previously gave. I understand the current state of 5.x, and if you want to hold off on importing BIND 9 into the tree until after this has become the new -STABLE branch and a new -CURRENT branch has been created for 6.x, I don't have a problem with that.

But this is not at all how I interpreted your previous statements -- they were much more of an absolute "It's not ready" nature, and had nothing to do with the situation that FreeBSD finds itself in at the moment with regards to the 5.x tree.

 This is not accurate. There are some things that named in bind 8 can do
 that named in bind 9 won't (and won't ever). There is also the fact that
 output from dig and host are different, which can cause problems with

Yes, there are differences in the output of dig, etc.... Those are known. I've had to adapt scripts that I maintain which use these tools, and which are included in the BIND contrib/ directory. This is a done deal, and with respect to the ISC version of BIND, it's not going to change -- they've made the cutover, these changes have happened, people have adjusted their code, and it would be too painful to change it all back again.

Unless you want to permanently fork off your own version of BIND where none of these things happen, you're just plain out of luck.

 For these reasons alone, we can't even consider MFC'ing bind 9 to
 RELENG_4, it's too big of a POLA violation.

I did not ask for that. I would not have asked for that. I do want to see BIND 9 brought into the FreeBSD code base for -CURRENT. If now is not the right time to do that because of the transition underway, then I would not mind a relatively short delay while the FreeBSD project makes the necessary changes so that it can import BIND 9.

However, IMO these issues have more to do with the status of -CURRENT at the moment than it does with BIND 9.

 Development is continuing on BIND 8 as well, thus the 8.4.x branch, which
 includes IPv6 transport.

Very limited development. All primary development is being done for BIND 9, and occasionally things are back-ported.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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