At 3:01 AM -0700 2003/06/06, Doug Barton wrote:

 Regardless of whether I agree with the points you make here or not, the
 FreeBSD development model requires that what we import in -current, for
 the most part, be what we plan to eventually MFC. That factor alone
 eliminates the possibility of importing BIND 9 at this time.

I'm sorry, plenty of things have been done in -CURRENT that could not possibly be MFC'ed to -STABLE. Yes, once the leap to the next version is done and the particular RELENG tree that used to be -CURRENT becomes the new -STABLE, things would migrate down.

Are you saying that the new SMP code could not have been done, because it could not be MFC'ed to -STABLE?

I'm sorry, this is a completely false argument.

There's no sense re-hashing all these issues in e-mail

.... and yet you felt the need to do so.

No, I didn't. If I had, I would have cut-n-pasted all those specific points into my e-mail message. As it was, I mentioned one or two points on either side, and referred people to the rest.

 Nothing I've had to say on this issue should be (or I think reasonably can
 be) interpreted as a flame. I've simply stated the reasons I think that
 BIND 9 isn't suitable for one particular purpose.

In which case, I would submit that you should be more involved in the development of BIND, so that (in your mind) it can become suitable for this purpose. Are you a member of the BIND Forum (see <>)? Are you on the bind-workers mailing list?

IMO, if you want to claim that BIND 9 isn't suitable for production use, then I believe you should be prepared to help change that situation.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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