----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Moran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Matthew Emmerton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 1:26 PM Subject: Re: Overall "feel" for the stability of FreeBSD 5
From: "Matthew Emmerton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Bill Moran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I'm considering setting up a FreeBSD 5 machine as a dedicated backup/archive computer on a network I administer.
I'm curious to hear some opinions on how wise this is. I know that 5 is still in a -CURRENT status and I've seen (and repeated) the warnings that it's not really production quality yet.
So I'm curious as to a number of facets of its capibilities: 1) With the current developmet effort ... does it seem like 5.1 will be -STABLE ... or do folks feel that a -STABLE brand is further off (5.2?) 2) For a dedicated backup server, that can tolerate the performance problems that folks have been reporting, and won't upset the entire office if it panics on occasion, is 5 good enough at this point?
I know this is inviting a lot of opinion and conjecture ... but I need some idea of where I can go with this. These folks need a solution soon, and I don't want to pass on something that's not ready yet. On the flip side, the nature of the beast means that it doesn't NEED to be a reliable as I normally expect a FreeBSD server to be, so there's a little more tolerance than usual.
Any input is greatly appreciated.
What's wrong with 4.8-RELEASE?
Doesn't support DVD burning.
Sorry ... forgot to specify my reasons ;)
What is the piece you're missing -- UDF filesystem support or ata driver support?
The UDF support in 5.x is for reading only. DVD data disks do not
require the UDF filesystem and can in fact work just fine with cd9660 or even UFS. DVD video disks usually require UDF as dvd players don't
understand anything else, but editing and mastering a dvd video disk is
well beyond the scope of this and I would highly recommend using a Mac.
Burning some of the DVD formats requires special support, while others can be burned just like a CD. I thought that 4.x and 5.x were at the same level for this support, but Soeren would have the definitive answer.
I've seen patches to 4-STABLE to add UDF filesystem support. Perhaps that's all you need.
Really? I thought that the backporting effort had died out. Can you provide a link?
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