On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Terry Lambert wrote:
> Craig Reyenga wrote:
> > I just tried a 3com 3c905 NIC (my roommate's) and it _also_
> > transfers slowly (about 3.5MB/sec, so just under half of what i used to
> > get with my realtek in -stable). It also spit out a few messages:
> [ ... ]
> > I'd really rather not play around with different versions of FreeBSD to
> > fix this problem, because this computer is where I keep all of my stuff,
> > and with exams, I just won't have the time. Yes I know that I "shouldn't be
> >  using 5.0 then" but a problem is a problem and it should be fixed.
> Your alternative to doing the necessary binary search is to
> provide enough information that someone else can repeat the
> reduced performance you are getting with your hardware, so
> that they can perform the binary search on your behalf.
> FWIW, the root cause is likely a result of something in the
> last 8 months, which means log2(240)+1 = 8 compiles to find
> the problem on your hardware; if, in the last 2.5 years,
> which we know to be the case, it's log2(2.5*365)+1 = 10
> compiles.

My guess is mii_tick() latency.


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