On Sat, 23 Nov 2002, Brad Knowles wrote:
> At 2:31 PM -0800 2002/11/22, Terry Lambert wrote:
> >  A "bug-filing wizard" would be useful.  The "send-pr" system
> >  doesn't cut it, and most people are unaware of how to file a
> >  decent bug report.  It doesn't help when the process involves
> >  another computer, a serial cable, recompiling a kernel to use
> >  a serial console and turn DDB support on, special configuration
> >  for system dump images, and changing the size of your swap
> >  partition to support the amount of RAM you have put into the
> >  machine.
>       Speaking as someone who is about to step off the deep end and 
> start trying to actually run and test -CURRENT on my system here at 
> home, I believe that this kind of resource would be vitally important.
>       In contrast, I've had a few crashes this past week from other 
> programs here on my PowerBook G4 running MacOS X (primarily Chimera, 
> based on the Mozilla Gecko engine with native Aqua interface), and 
> they have made it very easy for me to report crashes.  They have 
> integrated tools to extract the maximum amount of information from 
> the system as to exactly what other programs were running, what the 
> program stack was, and a whole host of other things.  All I have to 
> do is type in my e-mail address, optionally describe what I was 
> trying to do at the time, and have a functioning Internet connection 
> so that they can upload the reports.  I'd share some examples with 
> you, but they are *huge*.

For a while, there was a discussion about starting this capability with
panic() reporting a stack trace.  I believe someone even did some
implementation work.  Any ideas where this stands?


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