On Fri, 22 Nov 2002, Brad Knowles wrote:

> >  If I might suggest: there's a freebsd-qa mailing list.  It's a great place
> >  to organize QA efforts, whereas freebsd-chat is notorious for its lack of
> >  signal (it's where dead signals go to rot).
>       There's been some talk of freebsd-qa, but so far the only thing
> I recall being said is that the sort of thing we're talking about doing
> is not what this list has been used for in the past.  We were kind of
> wondering where we could take this particular effort, and if we could
> commandeer the freebsd-qa list for this purpose. 

The purpose of the QA mailing list is to provide a means to coordinate the
release and general QA process for FreeBSD.  Thus far, the traffic on qa@
has been relatively low bandwidth, but if a bunch of people turn up
wanting to perform thorough testing for the release, freebsd-qa sounds to
me like the right place.  Certainly, freebsd-qa would be where you want to
have moderate parts of the discussion take place.

>       I believe that our biggest problem at the moment is finding the
> necessary development types to help us debug the problems and get them
> sorted out -- we've got people who have hardware, and would be more than
> willing to help test things out, but in the past they haven't gotten
> much help from the developers.

It sounds like there are a couple of problems here -- that we need a
debugging guide (How to prepare a useful bug report for a kernel panic,
How to prepare a useful bug report for a sysinstall failure, etc) -- that
we need a better way to find developers on a particular topic who are
willing to pick up more debugging burden.  I would have guessed that, in
general, problems with finding a responsible party developer would lie
more in the areas of the system that don't have an active maintainer (vis
"owner"), which is a harder problem to address.  If that's not a correct
impression, then it's something that's probably easier to fix :-).

Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Projects
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Network Associates Laboratories

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