Loren James Rittle wrote:
> FYI, the libstdc++-v3 maintainers on the FSF side are only
> guaranteeing forward ABI compatibility of any sort if libstdc++.so is
> built with symbol versioning and symbol hiding.

FWIW: symbol versioning is incredibly broken.  It attempts to
do in UNIX what interface versioning does in Windows, through
the use of class factories accessed via IUnknown.  The point of
the exercise is to allow multiple simultaneous versions of an
interface to be exported by a single library.

The main reason this is bas is the same reason that Novell must,
in their SDK's, support interface versions all the way back to
NetWare 1.x: in order to hve the largest possible user base, a
software vendor would have to be stupid to write to anything
other than the lowest common denominator of interfaces: it's
really stupid to limit your customers to running NetWare 4.2 or
above, when there is still such a large installed base of 3.x,
4.0, and 4.1 versions of NetWare.  The only thing you do when
you do that is to disenfranchise postential customers for your

Windows uses this approach because they do not have the concept
of shared object versioning; VCRTL32.DLL is VCRTL32.DLL, no
matter what, so a version change that permits old applications
to continue working is a the same DLL, plus extensions (since
there is no version in the file name,multiple versions can only
exist simultaneously if they exist in the same file).

It would be a very big mistake to actually utilize symbol name
versioning on a UNIX system, and buy into this model, even if
the idea was supported by the tools.  That Linux has bought into
the idea of using this is, frankly, Linux's problem, and they are
going to regret it in the future as much, or more, than they
regretted implementing shared library support in the SVR3.2 way,
of linking libraries to fixed locations, and carving up chunks
of the user virtual address space to implement them, back when
they first supported shared libraries.

-- Terry

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