On Saturday 09 November 2002 4:28 pm, Daniel Eischen wrote:
> On Sat, 9 Nov 2002, Doug Rabson wrote:
> > On Friday 08 November 2002 11:13 pm, Daniel Eischen wrote:
> > > On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> > > > This is not a fly in the pointment, but rather a major
> > > > incompatibility that makes it impossible to have a reasonable
> > > > mix.
> > >
> > > If it's really a hassle for folks, then just provide the
> > > optional compatability hack and make them rebuild libc.
> > > Or provide a pre-built version that doesn't get installed
> > > by default.
> >
> > So what you are saying, basically, is that we should ship a
> > release, for the first time ever, which can't run old binaries.
> > Sorry, that isn't acceptable. The correct and robust way of doing
> > things is to stop creating binaries (in both 4.x and 5.x) that
> > reference __sF, then wait a full release cycle for the change to
> > propagate. We can then remove the symbol in 6.x.
> If you put an optional compatibility hack in libc, then folks
> can still use it, plus they will be informed that it is going
> away at some point.  I don't think removing it from <stdio.h>
> is good enough.  Unless there's a way of putting out an error
> message at run-time, we need some other way of being a little
> bit of a nuisance.

I don't see the need for this. We aren't supporting the original broken 
API (i.e. __sF in stdio.h). We do need to support the broken ABI for 
another release cycle otherwise we break everyone who tries to upgrade 
from 4.x to 5.x, which is a bad thing.

> > In general, its a very poor idea to simply remove a feature that
> > was supported in the last release of a package. The normal route is
> > to deprecate (but still support) the feature in one release and
> > remove it in the next.
> Do kld's from 4.x work on -current?  Just curious -- I don't really
> know.

The kernel ABI is hopeless. It changes almost daily :-(. At one time, I 
thought I could change this but these days, I don't think anyone except 
me cares about having a stable ABI in the kernel.

Doug Rabson                             Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                        Phone: +44 20 8348 6160

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