* Alfred Perlstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020330 21:51] wrote:
> * Michael Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020330 21:34] wrote:
> > 
> > Your BIOS is assigning a memory range to the card that we don't believe
> > the bridge passes through.  Our check is bogus because (as you see) the
> > range is actually legitimate (and we booger up some calculations).  Add
> > the PCI_ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_IO_RANGE option and this should go away.
> I was about to do that (add PCI_ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_IO_RANGE) I'll toss
> a patch to make this a tunable/sysctl in a bit.
> Is there a way that we can "fix" this without blindly allowing bad
> bus_alloc_resources ?  I'm a bit confused as to wheather our code is
> behaving oddly or if it's just the device violating some spec...
> > You should have bought a 3ware controller. 8)
> 3ware should talk to Frys. :)
> Thanks for responding so promptly.

This avoids a panic when probing, there's probably still some
badness going on with make/destroy dev in this driver.

Should I hold onto this card or should I suck it up and get
a 3ware online somewhere?

Index: asr.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/dev/asr/asr.c,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -r1.18 asr.c
--- asr.c       20 Mar 2002 02:02:35 -0000      1.18
+++ asr.c       30 Mar 2002 22:15:01 -0000
@@ -3179,7 +3192,6 @@
          *      Generate the device node information
         (void)make_dev(&asr_cdevsw, unit, 0, 0, S_IRWXU, "rasr%d", unit);
-        destroy_dev(makedev(asr_cdevsw.d_maj,unit+1));
 } /* asr_attach */

-Alfred Perlstein [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
'Instead of asking why a piece of software is using "1970s technology,"
 start asking why software is ignoring 30 years of accumulated wisdom.'
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