> > Show us a suitable LISP interpreter, then.
> $ cd ~/lang/Scheme/tinyscm-1.27
> $ size scheme 
>    text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
>   61342    4476    3480   69298   10eb2 scheme

Is that statically-linked?  I'm curious to know the size of the bootloader
forth footprint.  The loader is about 150k, so I'm sure you could probably
fit a nice Scheme interpreter in under that size... ??

> Tinyscheme is a mostly complete R5RS Scheme (R5RS is the

You can also conditionally-compile the components to make a smaller
footprint.  I'm highly in favor of Scheme replacing 4th...  It's a very
easy language to learn (only 11 special forms) yet still powerful (you
can't pass code as data in BASIC ;).  If you replace the boot loader
interpreter, pick Scheme over LISP.  There are lots of implementations:
siod, scm, mit-scheme, MzScheme, and tinyscheme are among the better ones.

--Rick C. Petty,  aka Snoopy                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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