> > I doubt if the bootloader will ever change from FORTH, but if it
> > does, I suggest LISP as the preferred choice on a short-list of
> > potential replacements.
> Show us a suitable LISP interpreter, then.

I don't know what size constraints the bootloader has to have
but the smallest two lisp interpreters I have found are:

$ cd /usr/ports/lang/slisp/work/slisp-1.2/src
$ size slisp
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
  17872     616    3584   22072    5638 slisp

$ wc *.h *.c
      67     321    2266 extern.h
      69     335    2053 slisp.h
     927    2438   15990 funcs.c
     189     730    4707 lexer.c
     147     458    3232 main.c
     287     832    6358 object.c
     136     470    3370 parser.c
    1822    5584   37976 total

slisp has most of the common lisp constructs.

$ cd ~/lang/Scheme/tinyscm-1.27
$ size scheme 
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
  61342    4476    3480   69298   10eb2 scheme
$ wc *.h *.c
      12      33     247 dynload.h
     344    1136    9221 scheme.h
     126     292    2589 dynload.c
    4445   12353  125421 scheme.c
    4927   13814  137478 total

Tinyscheme is a mostly complete R5RS Scheme (R5RS is the
closest thing to a Scheme standard) -- everything except
complex and rational number types, bignums, hygenic macros
and call-with-values and unwind-protect.  You can probably
subset it quite a bit to make it far smaller (e.g. the real
number type and advanced math functions to avoid linking in
libm).  If it matters to you, it has a BSD style licence.


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