I said I'd drop it, but apparently there are people that don't understand the dinosaur 
mentality of certain organizations such as 

If it's not in the base setup, on a production box, you can't use it.  Everything must 
be kept in it's ORIGINAL install location, 
otherwise you MUST justify it and ask DISA/DECC for a waiver, which in itself, is a 
pain in the ass, and in many cases, not likely 
to happen due to dinosaur mentality.

I now refer you to the recent news concerning the TrustedBSD project.

FreeBSD is getting military contracts now.  We need to think ahead to the needs of a 
whole new class of admin and user, and they are 
in highly restrictive environments that preclude `mv /usr/local/bin/*sh /bin`.

I'm sure there are equally restrictive environments for computers and operating 
systems in *EVERY* country, but I speak from my 
personal experience with the dinosaurs at DOD.  At DOD, *EVERY* copy of FreeBSD will 
be subject to what I am saying.  In the Sun 
environment in which I did my last DOD contract at, if tcsh wasn't in /bin, I wouldn't 
have been able to use it.  That's how 
backwards they are.

In answer to your statement, some admins can be fired, even arrested and brought up on 
charges for doing what you suggest.  I'm 
certain that this happens in countries other than America as well.

Joseph Mallett wrote:

> If these admins can't figure out cp `which bash` /bin and then how to add it
>  to etc/shells and chsh root, then I really question if they should be the kind
> of people that dictate the future of FreeBSD.
> 0n Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 04:32:55AM -0500, Jim Bryant wrote:
>>IMHO, all widely accepted shells should be put in /bin

ET has one helluva sense of humor!
He's always anal-probing right-wing schizos!

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