Ok, Bruce... the symlink patch has been sitting in my tree for a week
    now.  I am going to let you decide whether I should commit it or not.
    If not, into the trash heap it goes.  This is likely to be the only
    way the problem will be solved since creating an empty symlink via
    the 'ln -s' utility is perfect legal.  So, in or out?


Index: kern/vfs_lookup.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/kern/vfs_lookup.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.38.2.2 vfs_lookup.c
--- kern/vfs_lookup.c   2001/05/20 12:11:57
+++ kern/vfs_lookup.c   2001/06/18 01:39:46
@@ -200,6 +200,12 @@
                linklen = MAXPATHLEN - auio.uio_resid;
+               if (linklen == 0) {
+                       if (ndp->ni_pathlen > 1)
+                               zfree(namei_zone, cp);
+                       error = ENOENT;
+                       break;
+               }
                if (linklen + ndp->ni_pathlen >= MAXPATHLEN) {
                        if (ndp->ni_pathlen > 1)
                                zfree(namei_zone, cp);

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