"Rogier R. Mulhuijzen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

} >Has there been any resolution to this?  I've been having this problem
} >ever since the SMPng stuff went into the tree.  I have no success in
} >getting my splash screen to work anymore or in changing video modes with
} >vidcontrol.  The splash_bmp KLD always reports the following:
} >
} >module_register_init: MOD_LOAD (splash_bmp, c037f824, 0) error 2
} >
} >I have done a careful comparison of GENERIC.hints and the
} >/boot/device.hints that I made back when it became a requirement.  I've
} >searched the archives and come up empty.  I also read cvs-all
} >faithfully, and while I have gotten backed up on mail due to a short
} >vacation here and there, I haven't seen any related commits.
} Sounds to me like your modules directory is outdated. Have you read 
} UPDATING in the src root? A while ago we went from /modules to 
} /boot/kernel. But /modules is checked first by the loader. So remove (or 
} rename) /modules if it's still on your system.
} If that wasn't it..........let us know

I always keep my kernel, modules, and userland in sync.  Right now, I
am running sources from January 5, 2001.  I no longer have a /modules
directory--everything is coming from /boot/kernel.


Patrick L. Hartling                     | Research Assistant, VRAC
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         | 2624 Howe Hall -- (515)294-4916
http://www.137.org/patrick/             | http://www.vrac.iastate.edu/

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