Current from 03.01.2001 have kernel panic (GENERIC kernel configuration to), when doing /etc/periodic/weekly/310.locate >& /dev/null -- _ _ _ _ _ / \ | | / / / \ / \ ---------- Tomasz Paszkowski --- NS88-6BONE -------- | |\ \| | \ \ |/ \||/ \| === BSD is for people who love Unix ================ /_/ \__/ /_/ \_/ \_/ --- Linux is for people who hate Microsoft --------- To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
- RE: kernel panic Tomasz Paszkowski
- RE: kernel panic John Baldwin
- kernel panic Bob Vaughan
- Re: kernel panic Joerg Wunsch
- Re: kernel panic Bob Vaughan
- Re: kernel panic Bruce Evans
- Kernel panic Marc Recht
- kernel panic Peter Schultz
- Re: kernel panic Julian Elischer
- kernel panic leafy
- RE: kernel panic John Baldwin