On Sat, 11 Nov 2023 10:56:58 +0000
Nuno Teixeira <edua...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Maybe not the best mailing to ask it but...
> How do you update BIOS without Windows since most brands only have bios
> software to windows?
> I'm about to buy a new pc without windows license and I'm looking for
> brands that have bios-cli that work in FreeBSD.
> Thanks,

I've used a few different mainboards (Asus,  Gigabyte) and I've never
used Windows to update the BIOS.

Most BIOSes allow updating from 1) a thumb drive with DOS (FreeDOS)
installed and the BIOS image present or 2) just a BIOS image on a thumb
drive with a FAT32 file system.  I always use the second option.

You should be able to get the mainboard's manual as a PDF on-line and
then take a look at the BIOS description.  It should clearly describe
all supported options for updating the BIOS.

Gary Jennejohn

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