On Saturday, November 11th, 2023 at 11:56, Nuno Teixeira <edua...@freebsd.org> 

> Hello all,
> Maybe not the best mailing to ask it but...
> How do you update BIOS without Windows since most brands only have bios 
> software to windows?
> I'm about to buy a new pc without windows license and I'm looking for brands 
> that have bios-cli that work in FreeBSD.
> Thanks,


I did such a thing about a year ago. I do not remember the details, but I
think I had downloaded a windows exe file, then I extracted the firmware from it
(I do not remember which software I used, maybe binwalk), I put it on a
usb key and finally I installed it using the utility in the motherboard,
available when powering the computer, before booting windows.


Lorenzo Salvadore

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