On 8/29/23 14:15, Felix Palmen wrote:
* Kyle Evans <kev...@freebsd.org> [20230829 14:07]:
On 8/29/23 14:02, Shawn Webb wrote:
Back in 2019, I had a similar issue: I needed access to be able to
read/write to the system extended attribute namespace from within a
jailed context. I wrote a rather simple patch that provides that
support on a per-jail basis:


Hopefully that's useful to someone.


FWIW (which likely isn't much), I like this approach much better; it makes
more sense to me that it's a feature controlled by the creator of the jail
and not one allowed just by using a compat ABI within a jail.

Well, a typical GNU userland won't work in a jail without this, that's
what I know now. But I'm certainly with you, it doesn't feel logical
that a Linux binary can do something in a jail a FreeBSD binary can't.

So, indeed, making it a jail option sounds better.

Unless, bringing back a question raised earlier in this thread: What's
the reason to restrict this in a jailed context in the first place? IOW,
could it just be allowed unconditionally?

I don't think we can answer this definitively, FreeBSD has a pretty wide variety of users. I note that we don't /need/ to answer it, either, with Shawn's patch; it defaults to system xattrs allowed and an individual sysadmin can make that decision for their own context (and supporting the knob is relatively low-cost).

The only part I'm not sure I agree with is the addition of the new flag to PR_ALLOW_DIFFERENCES. That allows it to be disabled by system root for jail "foo", but root in jail "foo" can create another jail "foo.bar" in which it *is* enabled (rather than only allowing "foo.bar" to have it enabled if its parent does). IMO the name PR_ALLOW_DIFFERENCES is a bit off, because to me it would imply that it just allows the flag to be set in one jail and unset in its child jail.


Kyle Evans

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