David Cornejo wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 11:01 AM Dimitry Andric <d...@freebsd.org
> <mailto:d...@freebsd.org>> wrote:
>     On 25 Jul 2023, at 22:26, David Cornejo <d...@dogwood.com
>     <mailto:d...@dogwood.com>> wrote:
>     >
>     > One thing that has bothered me for a long time is that the
>     Pacific/Honolulu timezone is found under the America -- North and
>     South/United States of America/Hawaii in tzsetup. Politics of
>     Hawaiian Sovereignty aside, every other system I regularly install
>     uses Pacific/Honolulu as it is in the official tzdb.

tzsetup is (more or less) following the logic of the original tzselect
script from tzcode.

>     > Is there any reason why a patch to change to match the standard
>     would be refused?

What kind of standard and what exactly needs to be patched?

>     Which version of FreeBSD are you using? On my 14-CURRENT box, Hawaii
>     is actually found in *two* locations in tzsetup:
>     * America -- North and South -> United States of America -> Hawaii
>     * Pacific Ocean -> United States of America -> Hawaii

Using tzsetup compiled with -DVERBOSE shows that both options install

> It just seems that the "standard" is Pacific/Honolulu and we are
> different - in the IANA tz db, there is only mention of
> Pacific/Honolulu. While I'm not saying they're correct, every Linux dist
> I've tried uses it. I have a mixed shop, and every difference is a
> potential problem.

We are not really different as the timezone file selected is indeed
Pacific/Honolulu.  What is the exact difference with linux dists?

> I doubt that this affects many people, so consistency would not seem a
> hardship.
>     So that would serve all sides? :)
>     As far as I can see, the menu is dynamically generated from
>     /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone1970.tab, which has:
>     US      +211825-1575130 Pacific/Honolulu        Hawaii
>     and seems to be up-to-date with regards to the IANA tz files.

Right, tzsetup only processes what's there in zone1970.tab.

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