Hi, I'm getting the panic below trying to install latest current snapshot (20230720) on HPE Proliant 380 Gen10.
There don't seem to be any recent changes to smartpqi driver itself so it's likely something else changed as this HBA didn't have *this* specific problem previously on this system. The panic happens after selecting the disk for ZFS pool and confirming that its contents are going to be destroyed. What's interesting, doing `gpart destroy -F da0` from installer shell didn't trigger this. I have not tried to bisect this yet as it's very time consuming (uploading iso images to remote site takes hours) and hoping someone could point out the problem. panic: Segment size is not aligned cpuid = 53 KDB: stack backtrace vpanic() panic() bounce_bus_dmamap_load_ma() at bounce_bus_dmamap_load_ma+0x402 bus_dmamap_load_mem() at bus_dmamap_load_mem+034a bus_dmamap_load_ccb() at bus_dmamap_load_ccb+05d pqi_map_request() at pqi_map_request+0x54 smartpqi_cam_action() at smartpqi_cam_action+0xca1 xpt_run_devq() at xpt_run_devq+0x2e9 xpt_action_default() at xpt_action_default+0x3fd dastart() at dastart+0x327 xpt_run_allocq() at xpt_run_allocq+0x9f dastrategy() at dastrategy+0x6d g_disk_start() at g_disk_start+0x36f g_io_request() at 0x2c2 g_io_request() at 0x2c2 g_io_request() at 0x2c2 g_dev_strategy() at g_dev_strategy+0x155 physio() at physio+0x4a1 devfs_write_f() at devfs_write_f+0xf3 dofilewrite(() at dofilewrite+0x82 sys_write() at sys_write+0xc2 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x138 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0xf8 --- syscall (4, FreeBSD ELF64, write), rip = 0x2899740792ba, rsp = 0x289971621568, rbp = 0x289971621c00 ---