On Tue, Jan 31, 2023, 9:47 AM David Chisnall <thera...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On 30/01/2023 21:39, Yetoo wrote:
> >
> > If github is going to be considered for issue tracking I just want to
> > say, after having extensively using it for issue tracking, it tends to
> > be difficult to find an issue if the exact title isn't entered and many
> > duplicate reports are made as a result. Code search sucks and doesnt
> > show you the multiple places in a file where a match was made so a user
> > may be left wondering if code exists or not, but this doesn't seem to be
> > germane given this is about issue tracking.
> Which search are you using?  The old GitHub search is not great, but
> cs.github.com has replaced local search for me in the FreeBSD tree.
> It's not *quite* as good as fxr, but it's close.
> For example, searching for sys_cap_enter:
> https://cs.github.com/?scopeName=All+repos&scope=&q=sys_cap_enter+repo%3Afreebsd%2Ffreebsd-src+
> David

Clicking that link greets me with a login screen and a requirement to
join a waitlist. Yes, this is beta and may change in the future, but
not thrilled that an account is required to use and opt into it.

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