My two cents... I think some of the integration issues can be resolved with some rule changes and showing those relevant rules that people will see every time they make a pull request, report, etc... as I think what will happen with each item is too uncertain even if there was automation. I think rules should enshrine a single place that will always get reports and places to review or pull request and/or discussion requires reports to be made there first. I think that single place should be bugzilla but I'm a bit biased toward bugzilla as I haven't created an account for freebsd phabricator. This would mean every review on phabricator or pull request on github would need an associated report on bugzilla as well as link to that report and link back on bugzilla in the url field (if only one allowed or easy per report, maybe make dedicated field for other trackers) or first comment or else bugzilla, github, and phabricator posts are closed. The problem of just having someone commenting a link where the pull requestin the middle of a long discussion is that it's hard to find. Perhaps this part can be automated first as it's draconian if rules/warnings can't be seen before and while editing. People can go to the mailing list to talk about issues or submit changes, but no change will be accepted until someone makes a bugzilla report for it and link back to mailing list and from mailing list to it. Then there can be more automation with phabricator and github notifying bugzilla that it exists/important events happened to the bug. I think if the rules viewed bugzilla centralized to all legs then the need for redundant notification and requests, such as git saying if there is an issue/review in phabricator and an issue report in bugzilla or a pull request automatically created in git when submitted to phabricator, would be avoided.
If everything is moved into phabricator, including bugzilla, I think it's worth considering whether existing bugzilla reports, patches, tags, etc can be migrated without losing data. Bugzilla could be in a no new reports mode, but there would still be the problem of reports spread out across different systems. If github is going to be considered for issue tracking I just want to say, after having extensively using it for issue tracking, it tends to be difficult to find an issue if the exact title isn't entered and many duplicate reports are made as a result. Code search sucks and doesnt show you the multiple places in a file where a match was made so a user may be left wondering if code exists or not, but this doesn't seem to be germane given this is about issue tracking. >