On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 4:32 PM, Warner Losh <i...@bsdimp.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 2:57 PM, Devin Teske <dte...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> > On Feb 19, 2018, at 2:21 PM, Kyle Evans <kev...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> >
>> > It seems that the Forth loader might be doing something sneaky and
>> > replacing the standard common "boot" with a Forth boot that handles
>> > this a lot better. CC'ing dteske@ so they can confirm.
>> I can indeed confirm this as fact.
>> Not able to help much because I am driving cross-country (San Francisco to
>> Orlando) right now with the spouse and dog.
>> We get back March 3rd, but I will be checking-in from time to time for
>> sporadic responses during downtime.
> The command in loader.4th is defined as:
> : boot
>   0= if ( interpreted ) get_arguments then
>   \ Unload only if a path was passed
>   dup if
>     >r over r> swap
>     c@ [char] - <> if
>       0 1 unload drop
>     else
>       s" kernelname" getenv? if ( a kernel has been loaded )
>         try-menu-unset
>         bootmsg 1 boot exit
>       then
>       load_kernel_and_modules
>       ?dup if exit then
>       try-menu-unset
>       bootmsg 0 1 boot exit
>     then
>   else
>     s" kernelname" getenv? if ( a kernel has been loaded )
>       try-menu-unset
>       bootmsg 1 boot exit
>     then
>     load_kernel_and_modules
>     ?dup if exit then
>     try-menu-unset
>     bootmsg 0 1 boot exit
>   then
>   load_kernel_and_modules
>   ?dup 0= if bootmsg 0 1 boot then
> ;
> The thing to know here is when you see 'boot' as part of above script, it's
> calling the 'boot' cli command, not itself recursively.
> I can help do more interpretation of the details if you need Kyle. Not sure
> how much to spell out, but the brief pseudo code is:
> If there were any arguments that didn't start with '-', unload.
>   otherwise if kernelname is in in the environment, run the 'menu-unset'
> forth word if it exists, print the boot message and boot.
>   Otherwise load the kernel and modules, run the 'menu-unset' forth word (if
> it exists), print the boot message and boot with kernelname
> Otherwise load the kernel and modules, run the 'menu-unset' forth word (if
> it exists), print the boot message and boot with kernelname
> if all that fails, load the kernel and modules and if that works boot them.

Yeah, we have something like this on the lua side. Unfortunately, it's
going to wreck people's muscle memory- dropping to the loader prompt
and typing "boot [x]" will never work as expected because lua won't
recognize that as a function call due to spaces as delimiters.

We'd need some shim that takes "cmd [x]" and tries it as "cmd([x])"
(for some [x] that could be multiple space-delimited arguments) before
falling back to the originally typed "cmd [x]" if we want Lua to have
any chance to intercept it and adds its own salt and pepper like Forth
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