On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 2:57 PM, Devin Teske <dte...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> > On Feb 19, 2018, at 2:21 PM, Kyle Evans <kev...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> >
> > It seems that the Forth loader might be doing something sneaky and
> > replacing the standard common "boot" with a Forth boot that handles
> > this a lot better. CC'ing dteske@ so they can confirm.
> I can indeed confirm this as fact.
> Not able to help much because I am driving cross-country (San Francisco to
> Orlando) right now with the spouse and dog.
> We get back March 3rd, but I will be checking-in from time to time for
> sporadic responses during downtime.

The command in loader.4th is defined as:

: boot
  0= if ( interpreted ) get_arguments then

  \ Unload only if a path was passed
  dup if
    >r over r> swap
    c@ [char] - <> if
      0 1 unload drop
      s" kernelname" getenv? if ( a kernel has been loaded )
        bootmsg 1 boot exit
      ?dup if exit then
      bootmsg 0 1 boot exit
    s" kernelname" getenv? if ( a kernel has been loaded )
      bootmsg 1 boot exit
    ?dup if exit then
    bootmsg 0 1 boot exit
  ?dup 0= if bootmsg 0 1 boot then

The thing to know here is when you see 'boot' as part of above script, it's
calling the 'boot' cli command, not itself recursively.

I can help do more interpretation of the details if you need Kyle. Not sure
how much to spell out, but the brief pseudo code is:

If there were any arguments that didn't start with '-', unload.
  otherwise if kernelname is in in the environment, run the 'menu-unset'
forth word if it exists, print the boot message and boot.
  Otherwise load the kernel and modules, run the 'menu-unset' forth word
(if it exists), print the boot message and boot with kernelname
Otherwise load the kernel and modules, run the 'menu-unset' forth word (if
it exists), print the boot message and boot with kernelname
if all that fails, load the kernel and modules and if that works boot them.

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