> What about doing the changes on a branch with the understanding that 
> the branch will *replace* HEAD when it stabilises ?
> This sounds odd at first glance, but it means that others are forced 
> to MFC into the smp branch - if they don't they lose.
> Anybody that's not confident to be able to merge into the smp branch 
> will simply be in the same position - merge or hold off.  They'd also 
> be just as likely to break the smp work with their commits as if the 
> smp work was done in HEAD.

 Isn't this the same thing as breaking the head and keeping every thing
else (that is the pre-broken 5.0) on a branch...

 Just sorta rotating the tree a little...

 And, isn't this the same idea as -stable?

 If that's all true - I'd suggest that those who really want stability
might be better served with the -stable branch for the interim.  If you
need a totally-brand-new-feature, then MFC that to -stable and get 
it there...

 The point of -current is to be breakable - the extent of the breaking
isn't known ahead of time. -current can be broken for a long time by
simply breaking several small things - say, one a day for several months.

 The difference here seems to be the forethought in the announcement;
which I take as good planning... i.e. instead of being broken for
some unknown reasons, we're simply saying that we know it's broken...
If you can't live with a broken situation, then I humbly suggest staying
with -stable.

 I suppose I can sum this up with "isn't this already handled?"

        - Dave Rivers -

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