2015-11-04 18:57 GMT+01:00 Ulrich Spörlein <u...@freebsd.org>:
> The recent SVN update on the cluster broke svn2git in certain circumstances.
> To fix this and make sure no content was dropped, the converter has
> been stopped and we're working on bringing a fixed version online, as
> well as vetting the correctness of the published git repositories.
> ETA is currently unknown, expect an update to this thread within 24h.
> Sorry for the inconvenience!
> Uli, on behalf of git-admin

An independent run of the converter produces a different git
repository starting at the commit following this one:

This is from 9d ago and will likely require a force push to github
that will necessitate people to rebase or merge there work (a
fast-forward merge will fail).

This is the preliminary inspection and a third verification run is
currently underway. Expect another update within 24h.

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