On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 11:14 AM, Alfred Perlstein <bri...@mu.org> wrote:
>> On Mar 3, 2015, at 11:07 AM, Justin Hibbits <jr...@alumni.cwru.edu> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 10:39 AM, Alfred Perlstein <bri...@mu.org> wrote:
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Mar 3, 2015, at 9:32 AM, hiren panchasara <hi...@strugglingcoder.info> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 03/02/15 at 07:33P, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
>>>>> Actually I want to shame third party ports into adopting libxo (or at 
>>>>> least providing machine readable output).
>>>>> I know it's scary to try to lead the pack, after all we could be wrong, 
>>>>> but maybe it's time to try something new and see what happens.
>>>>> And no, your idea doesn't make sense it just will lead to those files bit 
>>>>> rotting.
>>>>> Bedsides that you don't even have a real spec other than "it should be 
>>>>> done differently".
>>>>> Again, show the code.
>>>> Wow. He told you want he didn't like and he moved on. I hope/wish we as
>>>> a project can take criticism more positively than this.
>>>> Answer to every criticism should not be "show me your code". We (should)
>>>> know better than that.
>>> Maybe I am too old school but the motd on freefall is still "now shut up 
>>> and code". I still believe that's right.
>>> We ALL need to know when to step back from an issue we really do not have 
>>> the bandwidth to constructively contribute to.
>>> This doesn't mean ideas or concerns aren't valid, but that unless you truly 
>>> have the bandwidth to contribute, taking a step back is a good idea.
>>> -Alfred.
>> You're both right.  Maybe we need a hackathon on this.  Is BSDCan too late?
> Hackathon on what exactly?
> -Alfred

libifying base.  And, if there's still stuff that needs libxo'd, do
that, too.  Looking at both could help to derive a clean library API
that libxo'd interfaces can use.

libifying base has been on my "interesting TODO" list for the last 10
years or so, I just haven't had the inclination.  Now that there's
been a swell of support for it, getting people together to actually
make it happen seems like a good idea.

- Justin
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