> But does this also check the kernels ? It was my understanding that
> it only did world/release ?
It only does the world/release (and it's the chrooted make release
"world build" which is reported on, not the host system's BTW) but
could easily add a kernel build just for the benefit of the
mailing list folks. It would be trivial to add.
> As for the lists being tedious and long: I've sorted the content by
> relevance, and it was my hope that over time they would shrink to
> zero if we annoyed people enough with them.
I think that's too much annoyance, really. I can see most people
simply unsubscribing from -current in the face of a mail that long and
tedious (and daily) and -current was never created as a place for
daemons to talk to people in any case, it was created as a discussion
forum. Let's do this, by all means, but let's plase do it elsewhere.
Anyone who starts sending daily automated anythings to any of our "top
level" mailing lists will classify themselves as a spammer on my and
many other people's radar.
- Jordan
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