On Thu, Nov 07, 2013 at 12:13:49AM +0000, Teske, Devin wrote:
> So what hard-coding are you talking about?

You are trying to hard-code hostnames for a service in the FreeBSD
src/ tree, when it is *absolutely* unnecessary.

> You talk about how "if a node goes down we take it out of DNS"
> but that has absolutely nothing to do with me because I'm not
> putting A/AAAA-resolving names in the menu.

I did not once say anything about A or AAAA records.

> You do realize don't you that pkg.eu.f.o is a locale-specific name
> that will eventually hold potentially many-more European server
> names, right?


> You do realize that the actual European server is *NOT* pkg.eu,
> right?


> You do realize that while the name pkg.f.o may wholly encompass
> all the mirrors, that this will not always be true, right?

No, you are wrong.

> I have no idea what you're talking about with the updating of config
> files.

Clearly.  If you hard-code anything other than pkg.FreeBSD.org in
bsdconfig, now clusteradm has to become aware of it, and make sure that
record *always* exists, no matter what the endpoint is.

This nonsense happened with sysinstall, and anything else that used the
FTP mirror list.  And when a node disappears, for whatever reason, it is
an absolute nightmare to sort out.

For the last time, you do not need to have *any* host entries other than
'pkg.FreeBSD.org'.  Period.

> That being said... that name should not go away unless we no longer
> have even one single server in Europe.

This has nothing to do with bsdconfig.  Try to see my larger point.

> Oh, and by the way...
> The name "pkg.f.o" does *NOT* resolve to "pkg.eu"... pkg.eu is a sibling
> name that is disassociated -- it was actually *designed* to be used for
> this.

So was pkg.FreeBSD.org.  It is why I do *NOT* want you to hard-code
anything other than that.


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