On Nov 6, 2013, at 3:19 PM, Allan Jude wrote:

> On 2013-11-06 18:15, Teske, Devin wrote:
>> On Nov 6, 2013, at 3:02 PM, Allan Jude wrote:
>>> On 2013-11-06 13:32, Teske, Devin wrote:
>>>> Subject says it all.
>>>> I need a review on the attached patch.
>>>> Come on, you know you want to...
>>> I think you missed something, you attached a 1 line diff
>> Oh I see... too much to review.
>> Hey, don't all review it at once now...
>> Seriously... come on...
>> I'm asking for some feedback on the most important part of the patchset...
>> The user-facing element.
>> The least everyone can do is chime in with their favorite mirrors.
>> So... please...
>> Tell me if the mirror list is incomplete (I *know* there are more mirrors
>> than that, and I *know* we want pkg.eu and pkg.us-* ... but I don't actually
>> know what people want to see ... so please... feedback!)
> pkg.freebsd.org is a SVR record

This matters not... see SVN r257755

> that lists the mirrors,

We do not ever want to display the contents of the SVR record in the list.
There are multiple pkg*.freebsd.org SVR zones.

> and pkg
> automatically picks the correct one,

pkg does no such thing. It picks the first one that works.

The decisioning for which order and what content gets returned from the SVR 
is on the back-end, not on the pkg-end; pkg just takes the first one that works.

For example, "host -t SVR _http._tcp.pkg.freebsd.org" (for me at least)
returns 3 entries. pkg goes after the first one.

I'd be shocked if you told me that pkg was doing geo-mapping with the 3 names it
returns and determining which was was closest.

Rather, pkg just does a DNS query and goes through the list of hosts.

> so it is best to list only that 1
> mirror.

No. You're thinking that I'm talking about the contents of the SVR query.
I'm not. I'm instead talking about...

*actual* and *real* multiple names that you can query SVR data from.

pkg.freebsd.org is only one

There are multiples, and I believe that we should add them.

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