>>>>> "MD" == Matthew N Dodd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
MD> On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, Viren R.Shah wrote:
>> I just tried it. Here's what I get:
>> mainboard0: <CPQ1519 (System Board) on eisa0 slot 0>
>> eisa0: unknown card CPQ6101 (0x0e116101) at slot 5
>> ida0: <Compaq SMART array controller> at 0x6000-0x60ff, 0x6c88-0x6c9e
>> ida0: irq 15 (level) on eisa0 slot 6
>> ida0: drives=1 firm_rev=1.66
>> idad0: 3002MB (6149631 sectors), blocksize=512
MD> Any chance you could get a DDB traceback?
If you will tell me how. Can I just compile in DDB without building
the kernel with debug enabled? If so, that should work (I'm currently
gzipping the kernel onto the kern.flp floppy, and booting off of
Viren R. Shah
"Creeping featurism is a disease, fatal if not treated promptly"
-- Don Norman in _The Design of Everyday Things_
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